Monday, June 15, 2020

For Every Action ...

Basic Fantasy RPG does a good job translating many old-school mechanics into a standardized d20 system that modern role-players tend to find more intuitive. Yet, there are some rolls it keeps as 2d6 like reaction and morale.

A fisherman who rolled well when meeting giant frogs (art by Matt Ray)

However, adding standardized ability bonuses to a 2d6 reaction roll weights the impact of the ability too heavily. Old-school games tend to cap the impact of Charisma on a reaction roll at +2. BFRPG maxes out at +3. 5th Edition takes you to +4 and possibly beyond.

I like reaction rolls but my current games use the 5th Edition rules at their core, so I took Knave's reaction roll table and pasted it on a d20 scale so that PCs could apply their Charisma bonus.

d20 Roll% ChanceOutcome% Chance2d6 Roll
2 - 625%Unfriendly25%3 - 5
7 - 1440%Unsure44%6 - 8
15 - 1925%Talkative25%9 - 11

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